Legal bases

In October 2013, the Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning was renamed as Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP) according to the decision No99/QD-BXD on the basis of restructuring the Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning. Training is one of VIUP’s functions and based on the following legal documents:

- Decision No. 477/QĐ-BXD dated Appirl 02rd 2008 of Minister of Ministry of Construction on establishing and stipulating functions, tasks, rights, structure organization of Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning (VIAP).

- Decision No 999/QĐ-BXD dated October 9, 2013 of Ministry of Construction on renaming the Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning as Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP)

- Decision No 3386/QĐ-BGDĐT dated August 29, 2012 of Ministry of Education and Training on renaming postgraduate training specialty of the Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning.


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